Fashion Blogger Rebecca Moore Howard

Self-assessment and Self-placement

Anson, Chris M.  “Talking about Writing:  A Classroom-Based Study of Students’ Reflections on Their Drafts.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

Augustynowicz, Karolina.  Self-Assessment as a Key to Learning at Alverno College.  Alverno College Institute, 2000.

Baker, Mark A., and Joyce A. Kinkead.  “Using Microteaching to Evaluate Teaching Assistants in a Writing Program.”  Evaluating Teachers of Writing.  Ed. Christine Hult.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1994.  108-120.

Beach, Richard, and Chris M. Anson.  “The Pragmatics of Memo Writing:  Developmental Differences in the Use of Rhetorical Strategies.”  Written Communication 5 (1988):  157-83.

Beach, Richard, and Sara Eaton.  “Factors Influencing Self-Assessing and Revising by College Freshmen.”  New Directions in Composition Research.  Ed. Richard Beach and Lillian S. Bridwell.  New York:  Guilford, 1984.  149-70.

Beach, Richard.  “Self-Evaluation Strategies of Extensive Revisers and Non-Revisers.”  College Composition and Communication 27 (1976):  160-64.

Beach, Richard.  “Showing Students How to Assess:  Demonstrating Techniques for Response in the Writing Conference.”  Writing and Response:  Theory, Practice, and Research.  Ed. Chris M. Anson.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1989.  127-48.

Beach, Richard.  “The Pragmatics of Self-Assessing.”  Revising:  New Essays for Teachers of Writing. Ed. R. Sudol.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1982.  71-87.

Beaven, Mary H.  “Individualized Goal Setting, Self-Evaluation, and Peer Evaluation.”  Evaluating Writing:  Describing, Measuring, Judging.  Ed. Charles R. Cooper and Lee Odell.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1977.  135-53.

Bedore, Pamela, and Brian O’Sullivan. “Addressing Instructor Ambivalence about Peer Review and Self-Assessment.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 34.2 (Sprin 2011): 11-36.

Bedore, Pamela, and Deborah F. Rossen-Knill.  “Informed Self-Placement:  Is a Choice Offered a Choice Received?”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (Fall 2004):  55-78.

Black, Kathleen.  “Audience Analysis and Persuasive Writing at the College Level.”  Research in the Teaching of Writing 23 (October 1989):  231-53.

Blakesley, David.  “Directed Self-Placement in the University,” WPA:  Writing Program Administration 25.3 (Spring 2002): 9-39.

Brannon, Lil, and C.H. Knoblauch.  “On Students’ Rights to Their Own Texts:  A Model of Teacher Response.”  College Composition and Communication 33.2 (May 1982):  157-66.

Brown, Annie. ” Self-Assessment of Writing in Independent Language Learning Programs: The Value of Annotated Samples.” Assessing Writing 10.3 (2005): 174-191.

Bullock, Richard.  “Autonomy and Community in the Evaluation of Writing.”  The Politics of Writing Instruction:  Postsecondary.  Ed. Richard Bullock and John Trimbur.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1991.  189-202.

Collins, Vicki Tolar.  “Freewriting in the Middle:  Self-Help for College Writers Across the Curriculum.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

Conway, Glenda.  “Portfolio Cover Letters, Students’ Self-Presentation, and Teachers’ Ethics.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NYH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  83-92.

Eaton, Maria, and Rita Pougiales.  “Work, Reflection, and Community:  Conditions that Support Self-Evaluations.”  Student Self-Evaluation:  Fostering Reflective Learning.  Ed. Jean MacGregor.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1994.  47-64.

Flannery, Kathryn T.  “Contextualizing Course Evaluations:  Using Students’ Self-Evaluation.”  ADE Bulletin 126 (Fall 2000):  53-57.

Fulwiler, Toby.  “Responding to Student Journals.”  Writing and Response:  Theory, Practice, and Research.  Ed. Chris M. Anson.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1989.  149-73.

Hackman. J. D., and P. Johnson, “Using Standardized Test Scores for Placement in College English Courses.”  Research in the Teaching of English 15 (1981): 275-279.

Haswell, Richard H. “Student Self-Evaluations and Developmental Change.” Student Self-Evaluation: Fostering Reflective Learning (New Directions for Teaching and Learning 56). Ed. Jean McGregor. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993. 83-99. Print.

Hilgers, Thomas L., Edna L. Hussey, and Monica Stitt-Bergh.  “The Case for Prompted Self-Assessment in the Writing Classroom.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

Howard, Rebecca Moore.  “Assumptions and Applications of Student Self-Assessment.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.  35-58.

Inoue, Asao B. “Community-Based Assessment Pedagogy.” Assessing Writing 9 (2005): 208-238. Print.

Larson, Richard L.  “Revision as Self-Assessment.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

Latta, Susan, and Janice Lauer.  “Some Issues and Concerns from Postmodern and Feminist Perspectives.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

Lewiecki-Wilson, Cynthia, Jeff Sommers, and John Paul Tassoni. ” Rhetoric and the writer’s profile: Problematizing directed self-placement.” Assessing Writing 7.2 (May 2000): 165-183.

MacGregor, Jean, ed.  Student Self-Evaluation:  Fostering Reflective Learning.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1994.

Mano, Sandra.  “Negotiating T.A. Culture.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

McCarthy, Patricia, Scott Meier, and Regina Rinderer.  “Self-Efficacy and Writing:  A Different View of Self-Evaluation.”  College Composition and Communication 36.4 (December 1985):  465-71.

Miller, Susan. “How Writers Evaluate Their Own Writing.” College Composition and Communication 33.2 (1982): 176-83. Print.

Moore, William S., and Steve Hunter.  “Beyond ‘Mildly Interesting Facts’:  Student Self-Evaluations and Outcomes Assessment.”  Student Self-Evaluation:  Fostering Reflective Learning.  Ed. Jean MacGregor.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1994.  65-82.  [file Assessment]

Murray, Donald.  “Teaching the Other Self:  The Writer’s First Reader.”  College Composition and Communication 33 (1982):  140-7.

O’Neill, Peggy. “ReflectionandSelf–Assessment: ResistingRitualisticDiscourse.” The Writing Instructor 2.1 (2002). March 2002. Web. 21 March 2010.

Pajares, Frank, and Margaret J. Johnson.  “Confidence and Competence in Writing:  The Role of Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectancy, and Apprehension.”  Research in the Teaching of English 28.3 (October 1994):  313-31.

Robinson, Tracy Ann, and Vicki Tolar Burton. “TheWriter‘sPersonalProfile: StudentSelfAssessmentandGoalSettingattheStartoftheTerm.” Across the Disciplines 3 Dec. 2009.

Royer, Daniel, and Roger Gilles. “Basic Writing and Directed Self-Placement.”  Basic Writing e-Journal 2.2 (Summer 2000).  <>.

Royer, Daniel, and Roger Gilles. “Directed Self-Placement.”  College Composition and Communication  50 (September 1998), 54-70.

Royer, Daniel, and Roger Gilles, eds.  Directed Self-Placement: Principles and Practices.  Hampton Press, 2003.

Royer, Daniel, and Roger Gilles.  “Exploring the Theories and Consequences of Self-Assessment through Ethical Inquiry.”  Assessing Writing 6.2.

Sandman, John. Self-Evaluation Exit Essays in Freshman Composition: “Now I Have New Weaknesses.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College 20 (1993): 275-78. Print.

Schendel, Ellen, and Peggy O’Neill. “Exploring the Theories and Consequences of Self-Assessment through Ethical Inquiry.” Assessing Writing (1999):.

Smith, Jane Bowman, and Kathleen Blake Yancey, eds.  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

Sommers, Jeffrey.  “The Writer’s Memo:  Collaboration, Response, and Development.”  Writing and Response:  Theory, Practice, and Research.  Ed. Chris M. Anson.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1989.  174-86.


Strickland, Kathleen, and James Strickland. “Demystifying Grading: Creating Student-Owned Evaluation Instruments.” Grading in the Post-Process Classroom: From Theory to Practice. Ed. Libby Allison, Lisbeth Bryant, and Maureen Hourigan. Westport, CT: Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 1997. 141-56. Print.


Thomas, Trudelle.  “Restless Minds Take Stock:  Self-Evaluation of Student Journals.”  ATAC Forum 4.2 (Fall 1992):  10-16.

van Aalst, Jan, and Carol K.K. Chan. “Student-Directed Assessment of Knowledge Building Using Electronic Portfolios.” Journal of the Learning Sciences 16.2 (2007): 175-220.

Watson, Amber. “How Student Beliefs in Giftedness and Teacher Competence Affect Writing Self-Assessments.” Young Scholars in Writing 5 (Spring 2008): 74-80.

Watson, Sam.  “Confessions from Our Reflective Classroom.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.


Weaver, Christopher. “Grading in a Process-Based Writing Classroom.” The Theory and Practice of Grading Writing: Problems and Possibilities. Ed. Frances Zak and Christopher Weaver. New York: SUNY, 1998. 141-50. Print.


Weiser, Irwin.  “‘Know Your Knowledge’:  Journals and Self-Assessment.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

Weiser, Irwin.  “Self-Assessment, Reflection, and the New Teacher of Writing.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.

White, Edward M.  Assigning, Responding, Evaluating:  A Writing Teacher’s Guide.  3rd ed.  New York:  St. Martin’s P, 1995.

Whitmire, Ethelene.  “Factors Influencing Undergraduates’ Self-Reported Satisfaction with Their Information Literacy Skills.”  Libraries and the Academy 1.4 (October 2001):  409-420.

Yancey, Kathleen Black, and Jane Bowman Smith.  “Reflections on Self-Assessment.”  Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing:  A Collaborative Inquiry.  Ed. Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton P, 2000.