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Reflexivity and Reflection

Baillif, Michelle.  “Seducing Composition:  A Challenge to Identity-Disclosing Pedagogies.”  Rhetoric Review 16.1 (Fall 1997):  45-57.

Bamberg, Betty.  “Creating a Culture of Reflective Practice:  A Program for Continuing TA Preparation after the Practicum.”  Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs.  Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett.  Oxford UP, 2002.  147-158.

Banning, Marlia. “Truth Floats: Reflexivity in the Shifting Public and Epistemological Terrain.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 35.3 (Summer 2005): 75-100.

Bartholomae, David.  “What Is Composition and (If You Know What That Is) Why Do We Teach It?”  Composition in the Twenty-First Century:  Crisis and Change.  Ed. Lynn Z. Bloom, Donald A. Daiker, and Edward M. White.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 1996.  11-28.

Bartlett, Steven J.  “Varieties of Self-Reference.”  Self-Reference:  Reflections on Reflexivity.  Ed. Steven J. Bartlett and Peter Suber.  Dordrecht:  Martinus Nihjhoff, 1987.  5-28.

Bartlett, Steven J, and Peter Suber, eds.  Self-Reference:  Reflections on Reflexivity.  Dordrecht:  Martinus Nihjhoff, 1987.

Belanoff, Pat.  “Silence:  Reflection, Literacy, Learning, and Teaching.”  College Composition and Communication 52.3 (February 2001):  399-428.

Bishop, Wendy.  “Places to Stand:  The Reflective Writer-Teacher-Writer in Composition.”  College Composition and Communication 51.1 (September 1999):  9-31.

Brookfield, Stephen.  Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1995.

Burnham, Chris, and Rebecca Jackson.  “Experience and Reflection in Multiple Contexts:  Preparing TAs for the Artistry of Professional Practice.”  Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs.  Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett.  Oxford UP, 2002.  159-170.

Burnham, Christopher. “Reflection, Assessment, and Articulation: A Rhetoric of Writing Program Administration.”  The Writing Program Administrator’s Handbook: A Guide to Reflective Institutional Change and Practice.  Ed. Stuart C. Brown, Theresa Enos, and Catherine Chaput.  Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.

Eaton, Maria, and Rita Pougiales.  “Work, Reflection, and Community:  Conditions that Support Self-Evaluations.”  Student Self-Evaluation:  Fostering Reflective Learning.  Ed. Jean MacGregor.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1994.  47-64.

Ede, Lisa.  “Reflecting on Journal Writing.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  167-170.

Emmons, Kimberly.  “Rethinking Genres of Reflection:  Student Portfolio Cover Letters and the Narrative of Progress.”  Composition Studies 31.1 (Spring 2003):  43-62.

Enos, Theresa “Reflexive Professional Development: Getting Disciplined in Writing Program Administration.”  The Writing Program Administrator’s Handbook: A Guide to Reflective Institutional Change and Practice.  Ed. Stuart C. Brown, Theresa Enos, and Catherine Chaput.  Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.

Eyler, Janet, Dwight E. Giles, and Angela Schmeide.  A Practitioner’s Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning:  Student Voices and Reflections.  Nashville, TN:  Vanderbilt U, 1996.

Farris, Christine.  “Too Cool for School?  Composition as Cultural Studies and Reflective Practice.”  Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs.  Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett.  Oxford UP, 2002.  97-107.

Flanigan, Michael C.  “From Discomfort, Isolation, and Fear to Comfort, Community, and Confidence:  Using Reflection, Role-Playing, and Classroom Observation to Prepare New Teachers of College Writing.”  Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs.  Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett.  Oxford UP, 2002.  242-253.

Gay, Pamela.  “The Politics of Location:  Using Flare-Ups to Spark ‘Reflexive Dialogue’ in the Ever-Changing Classroom Text.” Crossing Borderlands: Composition and Post-Colonial Studies.  Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and Lahoucine Ouzgane. U Pittsburgh P, 2004.  218-237.

Hall, Donald E.  “Professional Self-Reflexivity.”  ADE Bulletin 129 (Fall 2001):  31-34.

Haraway, Donna.  “Situated Knowledges:  The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective.”  Simians, Cyborgs, and Women.  New York:  Routledge, 1991.

Harding, Sandra, and Merill B. Hintikka, eds.  Discovering Reality:  Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science.  Boston:  D. Reidel, 1983.

Harding, Sandra.  “Epistemological Questions.”  Feminism and Methodology.  Ed. Sandra Harding.  Bloomington:  Indiana UP, 1987.  181-90.

Harding, Sandra, ed.  Feminism and Methodology.  Bloomington:  Indiana UP, 1987.

Harding, Sandra.  Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and Epistemologies.  Bloomington:  Indiana UP, 1998.

Harding, Sandra.  “Is There a Feminist Method?”  Feminism and Methodology.  Ed. Sandra Harding.  Bloomington:  Indiana UP, 1987.  1-15.

Harding, Sandra.  “Rethinking Standpoint Theory:  ‘What Is Strong Objectivity?’”  Feminist Epistemologies.  Ed. Linda Alcoff and Elizabeth Petter.  New York:  Routledge, 1993.  49-82.

Harding, Sandra.  The Science Question in Feminism.  Ithaca, NY:  Cornell UP, 1986.

Harding, Sandra.  Whose Science?  Whose Knowledge?  Ithaca, NY:  Cornell UP, 1991.

Hillocks, George.  Teaching Writing as Reflexive Practice.  Columbia Teacher’s College P, 1995.

Howard, Rebecca Moore.  “Reflexivity and Agency in Rhetoric and Pedagogy.”  College English 56.3 (March 1994):  348-55.

Kameen, Paul.  “Re-covering Self in Composition.”  College English 62.1 (September 1999):  100-111.

Kyburz, Bonnie Lenore.  “Autobiography:  The Rhetorical Efficacy of Self-Reflection/Articulation.”  Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition.  Ed. Duane Roen, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner. Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 2002.  137-142.

Lambert, Leo M., Stacey Lane Tice, and Patricia H. Feathersone, eds.  University Teaching:  A Guide for Graduate Students.  Syracuse, NY:  Syracuse UP, 1996.

Lawson, Hilary.  Reflexivity:  The Post-Modern Predicament.  London:  Hutchinson, 1985.

Liu, Yameng.  “Rhetoric and Reflexivity.”  Philosophy and Rhetoric 28.4 (1995):  333-49.

McCurrie, M. Kilian.  “Crossing Boundaries:  Reflective Practice, FYC, and General Education.”  Composition Studies 30.1 (Spring 2002):  83-96.

McDowell, Linda.  “Spatializing Feminism:  Geographic Perspectives.” Bodyspace:  Destabilizing Geographies of Gender and Sexuality.  Ed. Nancy Duncan.  New York:  Routledge, 1996.  28-44.

Okawa, Gail Y.  “From ‘Bad Attitudes’ to(ward) Linguistic Pluralism:  Developing Reflective Language Policy among Preservice Teachers.”  Language Ideologies:  Critical Perspectives on the Official English Movement.  Ed. Roseann Due–as Gonz‡lez.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 2000.   276-296.

Osterman, Karen, and Robert B. Kottkamp.  Reflective Practice for Educators:  Improving Schooling through Professional Development.  Newbury Park, CA:  Corwin P, 1995.

Pollner, Melvin.  “Left of Ethnomethodology:  The Rise and Decline of Radical Reflexivity.”  American Sociological Review 56 (1991):  370-80.

Popham, Susan, Michael Neal, Ellen Schendel and Brian Huot. “Breaking Hierarchies: Using Reflective Practice to Re-Construct the Role of the Writing Program Administrator.” The Writing Program Administrator as Theorist. Ed. Shirley K. Rose and Irwin Weiser. Westport, CT: Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 2002.  19-28.

Qualley, Donna.  Turns of Thought:  Teaching Composition as Reflexive Inquiry.  Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 1997.

Reid, E. Shelley.  “A Changing for the Better:  Curriculum Revision as Reflective Practice in Teaching and Administration.” WPA:  Writing Program Administration 26.3 (Spring 2003):  10-27.

Rose, Shirley K., and Margaret J. Finders.  “Thinking Together:  Developing a Reciprocal Reflective Model for Approaches to Preparing College Teachers of Writing.”  Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs.  Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett.  Oxford UP, 2002.  75-85.

Rose, Shirley K., and Irwin Weiser, eds.  The Writing Program Administrator as Researcher:  Inquiry in Action and Reflection.  Westport, CT:  Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 1999.

Schirato, Tony, and Jan Webb.  “Bourdieu’s Concept of Reflexivity as Metaliteracy.”  Cultural Studies 17.3-4 (May/July 2003):  539-552.

Schšn, Donald A.  Educating the Reflective Practitioner:  Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions.  San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1987.

Schšn, Donald A.  The Reflective Practitioner.  New York:  Basic, 1983.

Straub, Richard.  “Reading and Responding to Student Writing:  A Heuristic for Reflective Practice.”  Composition Studies 30.1 (Spring 2002):  15-60.

Tucker, Bill.  “Pippy and the Reflective Turn:  A Model for Pedagogical Thinking.”  Journal of Teaching Writing 18.1-2  (2000):31-55.

Woolgar, Steve, ed.  Knowledge and Reflexivity:  New Frontiers in the Sociology of Knowledge.  London:  Sage, 1988.

Yagelski, Robert P.  “The Ambivalence of Reflection:  Critical Pedagogies, Identity, and the Writing Teacher.”  College Composition and Communication 51.1 (September 1999):  32-50.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. Reflection in the Writing Classroom. Logan: Utah State UP, 1998.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake, and Meg Morgan. “Reflective Essays, Curriculum, and the Scholarship of Administration: Notes Toward Administrative Scholarly Work.” The Writing Program Administrator as Researcher. Ed. Shirley K. Rose and Irwin Weiser. Westport, CT: Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 1999. 81-94.

Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Seeing Practice Through Their Eyes: Reflection as Teacher.” Writing Center Research: Extending the Conversation. Ed. Paula Gillespie, Alice Gillam, Lady Falls Brown, and Byron Stay. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002. 189-202.