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Qualitative Research Methods

Auerbach, Carl F., and Louise B. Silverstein. Qualitative Data: An Introduction to Coding and Analysis. New York UP, 2003.

Banks, Marcus. Using Visual Data in Qualitative Research. Sage.

Barbour, Rosaline. Doing Focus Groups. Sage.

Calkins, Lucy McCormick.  “Forming Research Communities among Naturalistic Researchers.”  Perspectives on Research and Scholarship in Composition.  Ed. Ben W. McClelland, et al.  New York:  MLA, 1985.  125-44.

Creswell, John W. Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 2004.

Creswell, John W. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. 3rd ed. Los Angeles: Sage, 2013.

Creswell, John W. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4th ed. Sage, 2014.

Daiker, Donald A., and Max Morenberg, eds.  The Writing Teacher as Researcher:  Essays in the Theory and Practice of Class-Based Research.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton/Cook, 1990.

Denzin, Norman K., and Yvonna Lincoln, eds. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. 4th ed. 2013.

Diesing, P.  Patterns of Discovery in the Social Sciences.  NY:  Aldine, 1971.

Erickson, F.  “Qualitative Methods in Research on Teaching.”  Handbook of Research and Teaching.  Ed. M.C. Wittrock.  3rd ed.  NY:  Macmillan, 1986.  119-61.

Faigley, Lester.  “Nonacademic Writing: The Social Perspective.”  Writing in Nonacademic Settings. Ed. Lee Odell and Dixie Goswami.  London:  Guilford, 1985. 231-248.

Flick, Uwe. Managing Quality in Qualitative Research. Sage.

Freedman, Sarah Warshauer, and A.M. Katz.  “Pedagogical Interaction During the Composing Process:  The Writing Conference.”  Writing in Real Time:  Modeling Production Processes.  Ed. Ann Matsuhashi.  Norwood, NJ:  Ablex, 1987.  58-80.

George, A. L.  Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Content Analysis.  New York: Rand, 1959.

Gibbs, Graham R. Analyzing Qualitative Data. 2007.

Goetz, J.P., and M.D. LeCompte.  Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research.  Orlando, FL:  Academic, 1984.

Golden-Biddle, Karen, and Karen D. Locke. Composing Qualitative Research: Crafting Theoretical Points from Qualitative Research. Sage, 1997.

Hall, Gary. “Has Critical Theory Run Out of Time for Data-Driven Scholarship? Debates in the Digital Humanities. Ed. Matthew K. Gold. U Minnesota P, 2012. 127-132.

Jick, T.D.  “Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods:  Triangulation in Action.”  Administrative Science Quarterly 24 (1979):  602-611.

Kamberelis, George, and Greg Dimitriadis. Qualitative Inquiry: Approaches to Language and Literacy Research. New York: Teachers College Press, 2005.

Kincheloe, Joe L., Peter McLaren, and Shirley R. Steinberg. “Critical Pedagogy, and Qualitative Research: Moving to the Bricolage.”  The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. 4th ed. Ed. Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. 163-178.

Lancy, David F. Qualitative Research in Education: An Introduction to the Major Traditions. Longman, 1993.

Latour, Bruno, and Steve Woolgar.  Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts.  1979.  2nd ed.  Princeton UP, 1986.

Lofland, John, et al. Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. 4th ed. Cengage, 2006.

Maxwell, Joseph A. Qualitative Research Designs: An Interactive Approach. Sage.

McNely, Brian, and Christa Teston. “Tactical and Strategic: Qualitative Approaches to the Digital Humanities.” Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities. Ed. Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson. U Chicago P, 2015. 20-32.

Miles, M.B., and A.M. Huberman.  Qualitative Data Analysis.  Beverly Hills, CA:  Sage, 1984.

Mortensen, Peter, and Gesa E. Kirsch, eds.  Ethics and Representation in Qualitative Studies of Literacy.  Urbana, IL:  NCTE, 1996.

Mosenthal, P., L. Tamor, and S. Walmsley, eds.  Research in Writing:  Principles and Methods.  NY:  Longman, 1983.

Mostyn, B.  “The Content Analysis of Qualitative Research Data: A Dynamic Approach.” The Research Interview:  Uses and Approaches.  Ed. M. Brenner, J. Brown, and D. Canter.  New York: Academic P, 1985.  115-145.

Nickerson, Raymond S. “Confirmation Bias: A Ubiquitous Phenomenon in Many Guises.” Review of General Psychology 2.2 (1998): 175-220.

Nystrand, Martin, and John Duffy, eds. Towards a Rhetoric of Everyday Life: New Directions in Research on Writing, Text, and Discourse. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003.

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Odell, Lee.  “Beyond the Text: Relationships between Writing and Social Context.”  Writing in Nonacademic Settings.  Ed. Lee Odell and Dixie Goswami. London: Guilford P, 1985.  249-280.

Odell, Lee, Dixie Goswami, and Anne Herrington.  “The Discourse-Based Interview: A Procedure for Exploring the Tacit Knowledge of Writers in Nonacademic Settings.”  Research on Writing: Principles and Methods.  Ed. P. Mosenthal, L. Tamor, and S. Walmsley.  New York: Longman, 1983.  221-235.

Odell, Lee, and Dixie Goswami.  “Writing in a Non-Academic Setting.”  Research in the Teaching of English 16 (1982):  201-23.

Paris, Django, and Maisha T. Winn, eds. Humanizing Research: Decolonizing Qualitative Inquiry with Youth and Communities. Sage, 2014.

Patton, M.Q.  Qualitative Evaluation Methods.  Beverly Hills, CA:  Sage, 1980.

Potter, J. and M. Mulkay. “Scientists’ Interview Talk:  Interviews as a Technique for Revealing Participants’ Interpretative Practices.”  The Research Interview: Uses and Approaches.  Ed. M. Brenner, J. Brown, and D. Canter.  New York: Academic P, 1985.  247-271.

Prior, Lindsay. “Doing Things with Documents.” Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice. Ed. David Silverman. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2004. 76-94.

Ritchie, Jane, and Jane Lewis. Qualitative Research Practices: A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers. London: Sage, 2003.

Rymer, J.  (1988). Scientific Composing Processes: How Eminent Scientists Write Journal Articles.  Writing in Academic Disciplines:  Advances in Writing Research, Vol. 2.  D. A. Jolliffe (Ed.).  Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 211-250.

Saldaña, Johnny.  Longitudinal Qualitative Research:  Analyzing Change Through Time. Lanham, MD:  Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.

Schultz, Katherine. “Qualitative Research on Writing.” Handbook of Writing Research. Ed. Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald. New York: Gilford, 2006. 357-373.

Silverman, David, ed. Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997.

Souto-Manning, Mariana. “Critical for Whom?” Humanizing Research: Decolonizing Qualitative Inquiry with Youth and Communities. Ed. Django Paris and Maisha T. Winn. Los Angeles: Sage, 2013. 201-222.