Fashion Blogger Rebecca Moore Howard

Plagiarism – Attitudes, Definitions, and Detection Methods

Bartlett, Thomas. “Two Universities’ Plagiarism Policies Look a Lot Alike.” Chronicle of Higher Education 28 Jan. 2009.

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Bowers, Neal. “A Loss for Words: Plagiarism and Silence.” American Scholar 63 (Autumn 1994): 545-555.

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Briggs, Robert. “Shameless! Reconceiving the Problem of Plagiarism.” Australian Universities Review 46.1 (Aug. 2003): 19-23.

Butler, Paul. “Copyright, Plagiarism, and the Law.” Authorship in Composition Studies. Ed. Tracy Hamler Carrick and Rebecca Moore Howard. New York: Wadsworth, 2006. 13-27.

Case, Jennifer. “Cut and Paste.” The Daily Bruin (University of California at Los Angeles) 22 March 2004. .

Chaney, Jerry, and Tom Duncan. “Editors, Teachers Disagree about Definition of Plagiarism.” The Journalism Educator 40.2 (Summer 1985): 13-16.

Coulthard, Malcolm. “Author Identification, Idiolect, and Linguistic Uniqueness.” Applied Linguistics 25.4 (2004): 431-447.

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Ercegovac, Zorana, and John V. Richardson, Jr. “Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism Included, in the Digital Age: A Literature Review.” College and Research Libraries 65.4 (July 2004): 301-318.

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Fossey, Richard, and Marc Cutright. “‘Sloppy Scholarship’ is Not the Same as Premeditated Plagiarism: A Department Chair Accuses a Professor of Plagiarism and Loses a Nasty Lawsuit.” Teachers College Record 6 Feb. 2009.

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Galles, Gary, Philip E. Graves, Robert L. Sexton, and Surrey M. Walton. “Monitoring Costs and Tolerance Levels for Classroom Cheating.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 62.4 (Oct. 2003): 713-719.

Green, Stuart P. “Plagiarism, Norms, and the Limits of Theft Law: Some Observations on the Use of Criminal Sanctions in Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights.” Hastings Law Review 54 (2002): 167-242.

Hansen, Brian. “Combating Plagiarism.” CQ Researcher 13.32 (19 September 2003): 775-796.

Haviland, Carol Peterson, and Joan A. Mullin. Who Owns This Text? Plagiarism, Authorship, and Disciplinary Cultures. Utah State UP, 2009.

Hoad, Timothy C., and Justin Zobel. “Methods for Identifying Versioned and Plagiarized Documents.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54.3 (Feb. 2003): 203-215.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. “Sexuality, Textuality: The Cultural Work of Plagiarism.” College English 62.4 (March 2000): 473-491.

Hunt, Russell A. “Four Reasons to Be Happy about Internet Plagiarism.” Teaching Perspectives (St. Thomas University) 5 (December 2002): 1-5. .

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Jackson, Mike, and Ellen Laird. “Teachers Turn Tables in Plagiarism Battle.” Kansas City Star 29 Jan. 2005. 29 Jan. 2005 .

Jamieson, Sandra. “One Size Does Not Fit All: Plagiarism Across the Curriculum.” Pluralizing Plagiarism: Identities, Contexts, Pedagogies. Ed. Rebecca Moore Howard and Amy E. Robillard. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton-Cook, 2008. 77-91.

Josephson, Michael. “Character Counts: Why Plagiarism Is Wrong.” Ventura County Star 17 July 2006.

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Landau, Joshua D. “Understanding and Preventing Plagiarism.” American Psychological Society 16.4 (April 2003): 31-32, 52-53.

Lathrop, Ann, and Kathleen Foss. Student Cheating and Plagiarism in the Internet Era: A Wake-Up Call. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2000.

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Lindley, Mary Ann. “Is Plagiarism Extinct?” Tallahassee Democrat 5 Dec. 2004. 19 Apr. 2005 .

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Macadam, Heather Dune. “Perils of Plagiarism for Undergraduate Freshman Students.” All Things Considered. National Public Radio. 20 Jan. 2004. NPR Record #200401202110.

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Martin, Brian. “Academic Credit Where It’s Due.” Campus Review 7.21 (4-10 June 1997): 11.

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Mazer, Joseph, and Stephen Hunt. “Tracking Plagiarism Electronically: First-Year Students’ Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty and Reports of Cheating Behaviour in the Basic Communication Course.” International Journal for Educational Integrity 8.2 (2012).

McClure, J.L. “Re: Another Definition of Plagiarism.” Online posting. 29 Nov. 2004. Writing Program Administration Discussion List. 29 Nov. 2004 .

McCullough, Mark, and Melissa Holmberg. “Using the Google Search Engine to Detect Word-for-Word Plagiarism in Master’s Theses: A Preliminary Study.” College Student Journal 39.3 (2005): 435-. Expanded Academic ASAP. Infotrac. Syracuse U, Bird Lib. 12 Feb. 2006. .

McNenny, Geraldine, and Duane H. Roen. “Collaboration or Plagiarism–Cheating Is in the Eye of the Beholder.” Dialogue: A Journal for Writing Specialists 1 (1993): 6-27.

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Murphy, Richard. “Anorexia: The Cheating Disorder.” College English 52 (December 1990): 898-903.

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Pecorari, Diane, and Philip Shaw. “Types of Student Intertextuality and Faculty Attitudes.” Journal of Second Language Writing 21 (2012): 149-164.

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Polio, Charlene, and Ling Shi. “Perceptions and Beliefs about Textual Appropriation and Source Use in Second Language Writing.” Journal of Second Language Writing 21 (2012): 95-101.

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Purdy, James P. “Plagiarism Detection Programs Test Results and Recommendations.” Report from the Center for Writing Studies to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Spring 2003.

Robillard, Amy E. “We Won’t Get Fooled Again: On the Absence of Angry Responses to Plagiarism in Composition Studies.” College English 70.1 (Sept. 2007): 10-31.

Robillard, Amy E. “Plagiarism, Academic Mobbing, and the Manufacture of Scandal.” JAC 33.1-2 (2013): 233-269.

Saltmarsh, Sue. “Graduating Tactics: Theorising Plagiarism as Consumptive Practice.” Journal of Further and Higher Education 28.4 (2004): 445-454.

Salzman, Maurice. Plagiarism: The “Art” of Stealing Literary Material. Los Angeles: Stone & Baird, 1931.

Schmidt, Sarah. “Student Challenges Plagiarism Rules.” Vancouver Sun 16 October 2003. .

Schwalm, Karen. “Another Definition of Plagiarism.” Online posting. 29 Nov. 2004. Writing Program Administration Discussion List. 29 Nov. 2004 .

Shea, John. “When Borrowing Becomes Burglary.” Currents 13.1 (January 1987): 38-42.

Silverman, Gillian. “It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Plagiarism Buster!” Newsweek (15 July 2002): 12.

Stolarz, Christina. “Schools’ New Target: Cybercheaters.” Detroit News 2 Oct. 2005. 2 Oct. 2005 .

Tanner, Christine A. “Moral Decline or Pragmatic Decision Making?: Cheating and Plagiarism in Perspective.” Journal of Nursing Education 43.7 (Jul. 2004): 291-292.

Taylor, Lynn. “Understanding Plagiarism.” Issues of Teaching and Learning 9.2 (March 2003). .

Thompson, Celia. Plagiarism or Intertextuality? A Study of the Politics of Knowledge, Identity, and Textual Ownership in Undergraduate Student Writing. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2009.

Torres, Marisela, and Miguel Roig. “The Cloze Procedure as a Test of Plagiarism: The Influence of Text Readability.” Journal of Psychology 139.3 (May 2005): 221-231.

Trounson, Andrew. “Cut and Paste ‘Not Plagiarism.’” The Australian 16 July 2008.

Valentine, Kathryn. “Plagiarism as Literacy Practice: Recognizing and Rethinking Ethical Binaries.” College Composition and Communication 58.1 (Sept. 2006): 89-109.

Wan, Julie. “Plagiarists’ Words of Woe Fall Flat.” Washington Post 3 Sept. 2007: B3.

Warnock, Scott. “”‘Awesome Job!’ÑOr Was It? The ‘Many Eyes’ of Asynchronous Writing Environments and the Implications on Plagiarism.” Plagiary 1.12 (2006): 1-14.

Wasley, Paula. “The Plagiarism Hunter.” Chronicle of Higher Education 11 Aug. 2006.

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Wharton, Robin S. “Community Standards, Not Ownership: Rethinking Plagiarism as Unfair Competition.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. 24 March 2006.

Whitaker, Elaine E. “Response to ‘Sexuality, Textuality: The Cultural Work of Plagiarism.’” College English 63 (2001): 373-375.

Wilhoit, Stephen. “Helping Students Avoid Plagiarism.” College Teaching 42.4 (Fall 1994): 161-64.

Wilson, Robin. “Colleges Urged to Better Define Academic Integrity and to Stress Its Importance.” Chronicle of Higher Education (11 October 1999).

Zobel, Justin, and Margaret Hamilton. “Managing Student Plagiarism in Large Academic Departments.” Australian Universities Review 45.2 (Dec. 2002).