Fashion Blogger Rebecca Moore Howard


Abasi, Ali R., and Nahal Akbari. “Are We Encouraging Patchwriting? Reconsidering the Role of the Pedagogical Context in ESL Student Writers’ Transgressive Intertextuality.” English for Specific Purposes 27 (2008): 267-284.

Abasi, Ali R., Nahal Akbari, and Barbara Graves. “Discourse Appropriation, Construction of Identities, and the Complex Issue of Plagiarism: ESL Students Writing in Graduate School.” Journal of Second Language Writing 15 (2006): 102-117.

Amsberry, Dawn. “Deconstructing Plagiarism: International Students and Textual Borrowing Practices.” The Reference Librarian 51.1 (2009): 31-44.

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Buranen, Lise. “A Safe Place: The Role of Librarians and Writing Centers in Addressing Citation Practices and Plagiarism.” Knowledge Quest 37.3 (2009): 24-33.

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Cameron, Carrie, Hui Zhao, and Michelle K. McHugh. “Publication Ethics and the Emerging Scientific Workforce: Understanding ‘Plagiarism’ in a Global Context.” Academic Medicine 87.1 (Jan. 2012): 51-54.

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Hayes, Niall, and Lucas D. Introna. “Cultural Values, Plagiarism, and Fairness: When Plagiarism Gets in the Way of Learning.” Ethics and Behavior 15.3 (2005): 213-231.

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Howard, Rebecca Moore. “A Plagiarism Pentimento.” Journal of Teaching Writing 11.3 (Summer 1993): 233-46.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. “Plagiarism: What Should a Teacher Do?” Guiding Students from Cheating and Plagiarism to Honesty and Integrity: Strategies for Success. Ed. Ann Lathrop and Kathleen Foss. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2005. 174.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. “Plagiarisms, Authorships, and the Academic Death Penalty.” College English 57.7 (November 1995): 708-36.

Hu, Jim. “An Alternative Perspective of Language Re-Use: Insights from Textual and Learning Theories and L2 Academic Writing.” English Quarterly 33.1/2 (2001): 52-62.

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Hyland, Theresa Ann. “Drawing a Line in the Sand: Identifying the Borderzone Between Self and Other in EL1 and EL2 Citation Practices.” Assessing Writing 14 (2009): 62-74.

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Kaput, Mike. “6 Bulletproof Ways to Prevent Patchwriting.” PR 20/20. 7 Mar. 2013.

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Li, Yongyan. “Text-Based Plagiarism in Scientific Writing: What Chinese Supervisors Think about Copying and How to Reduce it in Students’ Writing.” Science and Engineering Ethics 19.2 (June 2013): 569-583.

Li, Yongyan, and Christine Pearson Casanave. “Two First-Year Students’ Strategies for Writing from Sources: Patchwriting or Plagiarism?” Written Communication 21.2 (2012): 165-180.

Maas, David. “Make Your Paraphrasing Plagiarism-Proof with a Coat of E-Prime.” et Cetera 59.2 (Summer 2002): 196-205.

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Ouellette, Mark A. “Weaving Strands of Writer Identity: Self as Author and the NNES ‘Plagiarist.’” Journal of Second Language Writing 17 (2008): 255-273.

Pecorari, Diane. “Good and Original: Plagiarism and Patchwriting in Academic Second-Language Writing.” Journal of Second Language Writing 12 (2003): 317-345.

Pecorari, Diana, and Bojana Petrić. “Plagiarism in Second-Language Writing.” Language Teaching 47.3 (2014): 269-302.

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Petrić, Bojana. “Legitimate Textual Borrowing: Direct Quotation in L2 Student Writing.” Journal of Second Language Writing 21 (2012): 102-117.

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Polio, Charlene, and Ling Shi. “Perceptions and Beliefs about Textual Appropriation and Source Use in Second Language Writing.” Journal of Second Language Writing 21 (2012): 95-101.

Roig, Miguel. “Plagiarism and Paraphrasing Criteria of College and University Professors.” Ethics & Behavior 11.3 (July 2001): 307-323.

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Stapleton, Paul. “Gauging the Effectiveness of Anti-Plagiarism Software: An Empirical Study of Second Language Writers.” Journal of English for Academic Purposes 11.2 (June 2012): 125-133.

Sun, Yu-Chih. “Using a Two-Tier Text in Examining Taiwan Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Paraphrasing Strategies.” Asia Pacific Education Review 10.3 (2009): 399-408.

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Trushell, John, and Kevin Byrne. “Education Undergraduates and ICT-Enhanced Academic Dishonesty: A Moral Panic?” British Journal of Educational Technology 44.1 (2013): 6-19.

Vieyra, Michell, Denise Strickland, and Briana Timmerman. “Patterns in Plagiarism and Patchwriting in Science and Engineering Graduate Students’ Research Proposals.” International Journal for Educational Integrity 9.1 (2013).

Villalva, Kelly. “Hidden Literacies and Inquiry Approaches of Bilingual High School Students.” Written Communication 23.1 (Jan. 2006): 91-129.

Walker, Angela L. “Preventing Unintentional Plagiarism: A Method for Strengthening Paraphrasing Skills.” Journal of Instructional Psychology 35.4 (Dec. 2008): 387-395.

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Wheeler, Greg. “Plagiarism in the Japanese Universities: Truly a Cultural Matter?” Journal of Second Language Writing 18 (2009): 17-29.