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Feminist Pedagogies

Akyea, Stacey Gray, and Pamela Sandoval. “A Feminist Perspective on Student Assessment: An Epistemology of Caring and Concern.” Radical Pedagogy (2004).

Annas, Pamela J.  “Silences:  Feminist Language Research and the Teaching of Writing.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  3-19.

Apple, M.W.  Teachers and Texts:  A Political Economy of Class and Gender Relations in Education.  New York:  Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986.

Batsleer, Janet, Tony Davies, Rebecca O’Rourke, and Chris Weedon.  Rewriting English:  Cultural Politics of Gender and Class.  New York:  Methuen, 1985.

Batson, Lorie Goodman.  “Defining Ourselves as Woman (in the Profession).”  Pre/Text 10 (Spring/Summer 1989):  117-120.

Bauer, Dale M.  “Indecent Proposals:  Teachers in the Movies.”  College English 60.3 (March 1998):  301-17.

Bauer, Dale M.  “The Other “F” Word:  The Feminist in the Classroom.”  College English 52 (April 1990):  385-96.

Bechtel, Judith.  “Why Teaching Writing Always Brings up Questions of Equity.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  179-84.

Bell, Sandra, M. Morrow, and Evangelis Tastsoglou.  “Teaching in Environments of Resistance:  Toward a Critical, Feminist, and Antiracist Pedagogy.”  Meeting the Challenge:  Innovative Feminist Pedagogies in Action.  Ed. Maralee Mayberry and Ellen Cronan Rose.  New York:  Routledge, 1999.

Black, Laurel, et al.  “Writing Like a Woman and Being Rewarded for It:  Gender, Assessment, and Reflective Letters from Miami University’s Student Portfolios.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NYH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  235-47.

Blackburn, Mollie V. “Disrupting Dichotomies for Social Change: A Review of, Critique of, and Complement to Current Educational Literacy Scholarship on Gender.” Research in the Teaching of English 39.4 (May 2005).

Blackburn, Mollie V. “Risky, Generous, Gender Work.” Research in the Teaching of English 40.3 (Feb. 2006).

Blair, Kristine L., and Pamela Takayoshi, eds.  Feminist Cyberscapes:  Mapping Gendered Academic Spaces.  Stamford, CT:  Ablex, 1999.

Bloom, Lynn Z.  “Teaching College English as a Woman.”  College English 54.7 (November 1992):  818-25.

Boardman, Kathleen A., and Joy Ritchie.  “Rereading Feminism’s Absence and Presence in Composition.”  History, Reflection, and Narrative: The Professionalization of Composition 1963-1983. Eds. Mary Rosner, Beth Boehm, and Debra Journet.  Greenwich, CT: Ablex, 1998.  143-162.

Brail, Stephanie. “The Price of Admission: Harassment and Free Speech in the Wild, Wild, West.” Wired_Women: Gender and New Realities in Cyberspace. Ed. Lynn Cherny and Elizabeth Reba Weise. Seattle: Seal Press, 1996. 141-57.

Bridwell-Bowles, Lillian.  “Discourse and Diversity:  Experimental Writing within the Academy.”  College Composition and Communication 43.3 (October 1992):  349-68.

Cambridge, Barbara L.  “Equal Opportunity Writing Classroom:  Accommodating Interactional Differences Between Genders in the Writing Classroom.”  The Writing Instructor (1987):  30-9.

Campbell, Katy. “Personal, Political and Pedagogical: Female Faculty and Values-Based Learning Design.” Radical Pedagogy (2003).

Caywood, Cynthia L., and Gillian R. Overing, eds.  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Albany:  SUNY P, 1987.

Caywood, Cynthia L., and Gillian R. Overing.  “Writing Across the Curriculum:  A Model for a Workshop and a Call for Change.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  185-200.

Cowell, Pattie.  “Valuing Language:  Feminist Pedagogy in the Writing Classroom.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  147-150.

Culley, M., and C. Portuges, eds.  Gendered Subjects:  The Dynamics of Feminist Teaching.  Boston:  Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.

DÅ umer, Elizabeth, and Sandra Runzo.  “Transforming the Composition Classroom.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing, eds.  Albany:  SUNY P, 1987.  45-64.

Davis, D. Diane.  Breaking Up [at] Totality:  A Rhetoric of Laughter.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 2000.

Desmet, Christy.  “Equivalent Students, Equitable Classrooms.”  Feminism and Composition Studies:  In Other Words.  Ed. Susan C. Jarratt and Lynn Worsham.  New York:  Modern Language Assocation, 1998.  153-171.

Donahue, Patricia, and Ellen Quandahl, eds.  Reclaiming Pedagogy:  The Rhetoric of the Classroom.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 1989.

Donahue, Patricia, and Ellen Quandahl.  “Reading the Classroom.”  Reclaiming Pedagogy:  The Rhetoric of the Classroom.  Ed. Patricia Donahue and Ellen Quandahl.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 1989.  1-16.

Donnelly, Michael.  “Male Instructor, Feminist Pedagogy:  Interrogating Presence and Authority in the Classroom.”  Pre/Text:  A Journal of Rhetorical Theory 16.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1995):  228-244.

Ebert, Teresa L.  “For a Red Pedagogy:  Feminism, Desire, and Need.”  College English 58.7 (November 1996):  795-819.

Edwards, Lynnell Major. “What Should We Call You? Women, Composition Studies, and the Question of Eminent Authority.”  Composition Studies 28.2 (Fall 2000): 43-59.

Eichhorn, Jill, et alia.  “A Symposium on Feminist Experiences in the Composition Classroom.”  College Composition and Communication 43.3 (October 1992):  297-322.

Ellsworth, Elizabeth.  “Why Doesn’t This Feel Empowering?  Working Through the Repressive Myths of Critical Pedagogy.”  Harvard Eductional Review 59.3 (1989):  297-324.

Faery, Rebecca Blevins.  “Women and Writing Across the Curriculum:  Learning and Liberation.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  201-14.

Fay, Elizabeth A.  “Anger in the Classroom:  Women, Voice and Fear.”  Radical Teacher 42 (Fall 1992):  13-16.

Ferganchick-Neufang, Julia. ÒHarassment Online: Considerations for Women and Webbed Pedagogy.Ó Kairos 2.2 (1997).

Flynn, Elizabeth.  “Strategic, Counter-Strategic, and Reactive Resistance in the Feminist Classroom.”  Insurrections:  Approaches to Resistance in Composition Studies.  Ed. Andrea Greenbaum.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 2001.

Foertsch, Jacqueline.  “The Circle of Learners in a Vicious Circle: Derrida, Foucault, and Feminist Pedagogic Practice.”  College Literature 27.3 (Fall 2000).

Frey, Olivia.  “Equity and Peace in the New Writing Class.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  93-106.

Fuss, Diana J.  “Gender, Role, and Class:  In Quest of the Perfect Writing Theme.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  107-112.

Gerald, Amy Spangler.  “An Uneasy Relationship: Feminist Composition and Peter Elbow.” Composition Studies 31.2 (Fall 2003): 73-90.

Gibson, Michelle, Martha Marinara, and Deborah Meem.  “Bi, Butch, and Bar Dyke:  Pedagogical Performances of Class, Gender, and Sexuality.”  College Composition and Communication 52.1 (September 2000):  69-95.

Gil-Gomez, Ellen M.  “The Practice of Piece-Making:  Subject Positions in the Classroom.”  Feminism and Composition Studies:  In Other Words.  Ed. Susan C. Jarratt and Lynn Worsham.  New York:  Modern Language Assocation, 1998.  198-205.

Giroux, Henry A.  “Rethinking the Boundaries of Educational Discourse:  Modernism, Postmodernism, and Feminism.”  College Literature 17.2-3 (1990):  1-50.

Gore, Jennifer, and Carmen Luke, eds.  Feminisms and Critical Pedagogy.  New York:  Routledge, 1992.

Halasek, Kay.  “Feminism and Bakhtin:  Dialogic Reading in the Academy.”  Rhetoric Society Quarterly 22.1 (Winter 1992):  63-74.

Hase, M.  “Student Resistance and Nationalism in the Classroom:  Reflections on Globalizing the Curriculum.”  Twenty-First-Century Feminist Classrooms:  Pedagogies of Identity and Difference.  Ed. Amie A. MacDonald and Susan SanchŽz-Casal.  New York:  Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

Haswell, Richard H., and Janis Tedesco Haswell. “Gender Bias and Critique of Student Writing.” Assessing Writing 3.1 (1996): 31-83.

Hesford, Wendy S.  “‘Ye Are Witnesses’:  Pedagogy and the Politics of Identity.”  Feminism and Composition Studies:  In Other Words.  Ed. Susan C. Jarratt and Lynn Worsham.  New York:  Modern Language Assocation, 1998.  132-152.

Hinnefeld, Joyce.  “Stepping onto the Tightrope:  Feminism, Critical Pedagogy, and the Idea of Transformative Texts.”  Composition Forum 7.2 (Fall 1996):  87-94.

Hoffmann, Leonore, and Margo Culley, eds.  Women’s Personal Narratives:  Essays in Criticism and Pedagogy.  New York:  MLA, 1985.

Hollis, Karyn L.  “Feminism in Writing Workshops:  A New Pedagogy.”  College Composition and Communication 43.3 (October 1992):  340-8.

Horning, Alice S.  “The ‘Climate of Fear’ in the Teaching of Writing.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing, eds.  Albany:  SUNY P, 1987.  65-79.

Jarratt, Susan C.  “Feminist Pedagogy.”  A Guide to Composition Pedagogies.  Ed. Gary Tate, Amy Rupiper, and Kurt Schick.  New York:  Oxford UP, 2001.  113-131.

King, Kathleen P. ” Exploring Feminist Research and Pedagogy in a Crucible of Tragedy: International Perspectives Creating Meaning and Response.” Radical Pedagogy (2003).

Kirsch, Gesa E., Faye Spencer Maor, Lance Massey, Lee Nickoson-Massey, and Mary P, Sheridan-Rabideau, eds.  Feminism and Composition:  A Critical Sourcebook. Boston:  Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003.

Kramarae, Cheris, and Paula A. Treichler.  “Power Relationships in the Classroom.” Gender in the Classroom.  Ed. Susan L. Gabriel and Isaiah Smithson.  Urbana:  U of Illinois P, 1990.  41-59.

Lutes, Jean Marie.  “Why Feminists Make Better Tutors:  Gender and Disciplinary Expertise in a Curriculum-Based Tutoring Program.”  Writing Center Research:  Extending the Conversation.  Ed. Paula Gillespie, Alice Gillam, Lady Falls Brown, and Byron Stay.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.  235-258.

Maher, F.A., and M.K.T. Tetreault.  The Feminist Classroom:  Dynamics of Gender, Race, and Privilege.  Lanham, MD:  Rowman & Littlefield, 2001.

MacDonald, Amie A., and Susan SanchŽz-Casal, eds.  Twenty-First-Century Feminist Classrooms:  Pedagogies of Identity and Difference. New York:  Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

Malinowitz, Harriet.  “A Feminist Critique of Writing in the Disciplines.”  Feminism and Composition Studies:  In Other Words.  Ed. Susan C. Jarratt and Lynn Worsham.  New York:  Modern Language Assocation, 1998.  291-312.

Mayberry, Maralee, and Ellen Cronan Rose, eds.  Meeting the Challenge:  Innovative Feminist Pedagogies in Action. New York:  Routledge, 1999.

Mielke, Robert.  “Revisionist Theory on Moral Development and Its Impact upon Pedagogical and Departmental Practice.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987. 171-8.

Miller, Hildy.  “Postmasculinist Directions in Writing Program Administration.”  WPA:  Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1996):  49-65.

Miller, Susan.  Assuming the Positions:  Cultural Pedagogy and the Politics of Commonplace Writing.  Pittsburgh, PA:  U Pittsburgh P, 1998.

Morgan, Meg.  “Women as Emergent Leaders in Student Collaborative Writing Groups.”  Journal of Advanced Composition 14.1 (Winter 1994):  203-20.

O’Brien, Sheila Ruzycki.  “Writing to Learn about Gender, Race and Class.”  ATAC Forum 4.2 (Fall 1992):  1-4.

Pagano, Jo Anne.  “Relating to One’s Students:  Identity, Morality, Stories and Questions.”  Journal of Moral Education (1991).

Pagano, Jo Anne.  “Who Am I When I’m Alone With Myself?”  Women and Solitude.  Ed. Delese Wear.  Albany:  SUNY P, 1992.

Pagano, Jo Anne.  Exiles and Communities:  Teaching in the Patriarchal Wilderness.  Albany:  SUNY P, 1990.

Perry, Donna M.  “Making Journal Writing Matter.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  151-156.

Peterson, Linda H.  “Gender and the Autobiographical Essay:  Research Perspectives, Pedagogical Practices.”  College Composition and Communication 42.2 (May 1991):  170-183.

Peterson, Shelley. “Influence of Gender on Writing Development.” Handbook of Writing Research. Ed. Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald. New York: Gilford, 2006. 311-323.

Reichert, Pegeen.  “A Contributing Listener and Other Composition Wives:  Reading and Writing the Feminine Metaphors in Composition Studies.”  JAC 16.1 (1996):  141-57.

Rhodes, Jacqueline. Radical Feminism, Writing, and Critical Agency: From Manifesto to Modem. Albany: SUNY P, 2005.

Rickly, Rebecca J., and Susanmarie Harrington.  “Feminist Approaches to Mentoring Teaching Assistants:  Conflict, Power, and Collaboration.”  Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Practices, and Programs.  Ed. Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett.  Oxford UP, 2002.  108-120.

Riemer, James D.  “Becoming Gender Conscious:  Writing About Sex Roles in a Composition Course.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  157-60.

Ritchie, Joy S.  “Confronting the ‘Essential’ Problem:  Reconnecting Feminist Theory and Pedagogy.”  Journal of Advanced Composition 10.

Ritchie, Joy, and Kate Ronald.  “Riding Long Coattails, Subverting Tradition:  The Tricky Business of Feminists Teaching Rhetorics.”  Feminism and Composition Studies:  In Other Words.  Ed. Susan C. Jarratt and Lynn Worsham.  New York:  Modern Language Assocation, 1998.  217-239.

Ronald, Kate, and Joy Ritchie, eds. Teaching Rhetorica: Theory, Pedagogy, Practice. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 2006.

Rosenfelt, Deborah S.  “Crossing Boundaries:  Thinking Globally and Teaching Locally about Women’s Lives.”  Women’s Studies Quarterly 3-4 (1998):  4-16.

Rosenthal, Anne.  “Knowing the Ropes, Women Professing.”  Pre Text 9 (Fall/Winter 1988):  214-17.

Rosenthal, Rae.  “Male and Female Discourse:  A Bilingual Approach to English 101.”  Focuses 3 (Fall 1990):  99-113.  Rpt. The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook.  Ed. Gary Tate, Edward P.J. Corbett, and Nancy Myers.  3rd ed.  New York:  Oxford UP, 1994.  119-131.

Salvatori, Marinolina.  “Pedagogy:  From the Periphery to the Center.”  Reclaiming Pedagogy:  The Rhetoric of the Classroom.  Ed. Patricia Donahue and Ellen Quandahl.  Carbondale:  Southern Illinois UP, 1989.  17-34.

S‡nchez-Casal, Susan, and Amie A. MacDonald, eds. Twenty-First Century Feminist Classrooms:  Pedagogies of Identity and Difference. Palgrave, 2002.  1-28.

S‡nchez-Casal, Susan, and Amie A. MacDonald.  “Introduction:  Feminist Reflections on the Pedagogical Relevance of Identity.”  Twenty-First Century Feminist Classrooms:  Pedagogies of Identity and Difference.  Ed. Susan S‡nchez-Casal and Amie A. MacDonald.  Palgrave, 2002.  1-28.

Schell, Eileen E.  “The Feminization of Composition:  Questioning the Metaphors that Bind Women Teachers.”  Composition Studies/Freshman English News 25 (1997).  Rpt. Feminism and Composition:  A Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Gesa E. Kirsch, Faye Spencer Maor, Lance Massey, Lee Nickoson-Massey, and Mary P, Sheridan-Rabideau.  Boston:  Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003.  552-557.

Schell, Eileen E.  Gypsy Academics and Mother-Teachers:  Gender, Contingent Labor, and Writing Instruction.  Portsmouth, NH:  Boynton-Cook, 1998.

Schenke, Arleen.  “The ‘Will to Reciprocity’ and the Work of Memory:  Fictioning Speaking out of Silence in ESL and Feminist Pedagogy.”  Resources for Feminist Research 20.3-4 (1991):  47-55.

Schmidt, Jan Zlotnik, ed.  Women/Writing/Teaching.  Albany, NY:  SUNY P, 1998.

Shiffman, Betty Garrison.  “Grading Student Writing:  The Dilemma from a Feminist Perspective.”  Grading in the Post-Process Classroom:  From Theory to Practice.  Ed. Libby Allison, Lisbeth Bryant, and Maureen Hourigan.  Westport, CT:  Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 1997.  58-72.

Simpkins, Scott.  “Pedagogy and Power, Sex and Ideology:  On the Discourse of Romanticism.”  Review article.  College English 50 (November 1988):  812-18.

Sleeter, Christine E., and Carl A. Grant.  “A Rationale for Integrating Race, Gender, and Social Class.”  Class, Race, and Gender in American Education.  Ed. Lois Weis.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1988.  144-62.

Solsken, Judith W.  Literacy, Gender, and Work in Families and Schools.  Norwood, NJ:  Ablex, 1993.

Stanger, Carol.  “The Sexual Politics of the One-to-One Tutorial Approach and Collaborative Learning.”  Teaching Writing:  Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity.  Ed. Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1987.  31-44.

Stygall, Gail, et al.  “Gendered Textuality:  Assigning Gender to Portfolios.”  New Directions in Portfolio Assessment:  Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring.  Ed. Laurel Black, et al..  Portsmouth, NYH:  Boynton/Cook, 1994.  248-62.

Stygall, Gail.  “Women and Language in the Collaborative Writing Classroom.”  Feminism and Composition Studies:  In Other Words.  Ed. Susan C. Jarratt and Lynn Worsham.  New York:  Modern Language Assocation, 1998.  252-275.

Sullivan, Patricia A., and Donna J. Qualley, eds.  Pedagogy in the Age of Politics:  Writing and Reading (in) the Academy.  Urbana, IL:  National Council of Teachers of English, 1994.

Thompson, Becky, and Estelle Disch.  “Feminist, Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppression Teaching:  Two White Women’s Experience.”  Radical Teacher 41 (Spring 1992):  4-10.

Tingle, Nick. Self Development and College Writing. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2004.

Tischio, Victoria M.  “Speaking the Fool’s Rhetoric: A Woman’s Critical Praxis for Power-Sharing in a Gendered Writing Classroom.” Composition Studies 31.2 (Fall 2003):  27-52.

Weis, Lois, ed.  Class, Race, and Gender in American Education.  Albany:  SUNY UP, 1988.

Wolff, Janice M.  “Writing Passionately:  Student Resistance to Feminist Readings.”  College Composition and Communication 42.4 (December 1991):  484-92.

Woods, Marjorie Curry.  “Among Men–Not Boys:  Histories of Rhetoric and the Exclusion of Pedagogy.”  Rhetoric Society Quarterly 22.1 (Winter 1992):  18-26