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Basic Writing

Adams, Katherine; and John Adams. “Write, Read and Edit: ESL Theory in the Basic Writing Curriculum.” The Writing Instructor 4.3 (1985): 116-122.

Adler-Kassner, Linda. “Structure and Possibility: New Scholarship about Students-Called-Basic-Writers.” College English 63.2 (November 2000): 229-243.

Anokye, Akua Duku. “Housewives and Compositionists.” College Composition and Communication 47.1 (February 1996): 101-2.

Baker, Brooke. “Safe Houseds and Contact Zones: Reconsidering the Basic Writing Tutorial.” Young Scholars in Writing 4 (Fall 2006): 64-72.

Baley-Meissner, Mary Louise. “Error Analysis in Basic Writing.” Journal of Teaching Writing 8 (Spring/Summer 1989): 85-90.

Bamberg, Betty. “Composition Instruction Does Make a Difference: A Comparison of the High School Preparation of College Freshmen in Regular and Remedial English Classes.” Research in the Teaching of English 12 (1978): 47-59.

Bartholomae, David. “Teaching Basic Writing: An Alternative to Basic Skills.” Dialogue on Writing: Rethinking ESL, Basic Writing, and First-Year Composition. Ed. Geraldine DeLuca, Len Fox, Mark-Ameen Johnson, and Myra Kogen. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.

Bartholomae, David. “The Tidy House: Basic Writing in the American Curriculum.” Journal of Basic Writing 12.1 (1993): 4-21.

Benson, Beverly, et al. “A Combined Basic Writing/English as a Second Language Class: Melting Pot or Mishmash? Journal of Basic Writing 11.1 (1992): 58-74.

Bizzell, Patricia. “What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College? College Composition and Communication 37 (1986): 294-301. Rpt. Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. U Pittsburgh P, 1992. 164-174.

Boyd, Zohara, and Harriette Cuttino Buchanan. “English as a Second Language Techniques in Developmental Writing.” CEA Critic 42.3 (1980): 37-40.

Bradford, Annette N. “Cognitive Immaturity and Remedial College Writers.” The Writer’s Mind: Writing as a Mode of Thinking. Ed Janice N. Hays et al. Urbana IL: NCTE, 1983. 15-24.

Briggs, Terri. “Helping Basic Writers Find a Topic: Using Life Experiences.” Exercise Exchange 43.2 (Spring 1998): 5-7.

Chaney, Sarah Biggs. “Study of Teacher Error: Misreading Resistance in the Basic Writing Classroom.” Journal of Basic Writing 23.1 (Spring 2004): 25-38.

Cooper, Marilyn M. “‘We Don’t Belong Here, Do We?’ A Response to Lives on the Boundary and The Violence of Literacy. The Writing Center Journal 12.1 (Fall 1991): 48-62.

Douglas, W. “Rhetoric for the Meritocracy: The Creation of Composition at Harvard.” English in America. Ed. R. Ohmann. NY: Oxford UP, 1976.

Enos, Theresa, ed. Sourcebook for Basic Writing Teachers. New York: Random, 1987.

Eichler, Marie Hutchison. Developing Basic Writing Skills in English as a Second Language. U Pittsburgh P, 1981.

Fishman, Stephen M., and Lucille McCarthy. Whose Goals? Whose Aspirations? Learning to Teach Underprepared Writers Across the Curriculum. Logan: Utah State UP, 2002.

Fox, Tom. “Basic Writing as Cultural Conflict.” Journal of Education 172 (1990): 65-83.

Friedrich, Patricia. “Assessing the Needs of Linguistically Diverse First-Year Students: Bringing Together and Telling Apart International ESL, Resident ESL, and Monolingual Basic Writers.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 15-36.

Gabriel, Kathleen. Teaching Unprepared Students: Strategies for Promoting Success and Retention in Higher Education. Stylus, 2008.

Gale, Xin Liu. “‘The Stranger’ in Communication: Race, Class, and Conflict in a Basic Writing Class.” JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 17.21 (1997): 53-68.

Gardner, Susan, and Toby Fulwiler, eds. The Journal Book for Teachers of At-Risk Students. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Boynton/Cook, 1999.

Gilyard, Keith, and Elaine Richardson. “Students’ Right to Possibility: Basic Writing and African American Rhetoric.” Insurrections: Approaches to Resistance in Composition Studies. Ed. Andrea Greenbaum. Albany: SUNY UP, 2001.

Glau, Gregory R. “The ‘Stretch Program:’ Arizona State University’s New Model of University-Level Basic Writing Instruction.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1996): 79-91.

Gleason, Barbara. “Remediation Phase-Out at CUNY: The ‘Equity versus Excellence’ Controversy.” College Composition and Communication 51.3 (February 2000): 488-491.

Goldblatt, Eli C. Round My Way: Authority and Double-Consciousness in Three Urban High School Writers. Pittsburgh: U Pittsburgh P, 1995.

Gose, B. “Tutoring Companies Take Over Remedial Teaching at Some Colleges.” Chronicle of Higher Education 19 September 1997: A44-A45.

Gray-Rosendale, Laura, et al. “Basic Writing’s Past, Present, and Future: A Discussion of Problems and Possibilities.” Composition Studies 29.2 (Fall 2001): 37-70.

Gray-Rosendale, Laura, and Keith Gilyard. Rethinking Basic Writing: Exploring Identity, Politics, and Community in Interaction. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000.

Greenberg, Karen L. “Error Analysis and the Teaching of Developmental Writing.” Research & Teaching in Developmental Education 2 (1985): 34-40.

Greene, Brenda. “Autobiography as a Liberating Force in the Basic Writing Classroom.” Voices in English Classrooms: Honoring Diversity and Change. Ed. Lenora Cook and Helen Lodge. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1996. 212-218.

Grego, Rhonda, and Nancy Thompson. “The Writing Studio Program: Reconfiguring Basic Writing/Freshman Composition.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1995): 66-89.

Grego, Rhonda, and Nancy Thompson. “Repositioning Remediation: Renegotiating Composition’s Work in the Academy.” College Composition and Communication 47.1 (February 1996): 62-84.

Hairspray. Dir. John Waters. Perf. Ricki Lake, Divine, Jerry Stiller, Michael St. Gerard, Ruth Brown. New Line, 1988.

Hampton, Sally. “The Education of At-Risk Students.” Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing: Rethinking the Discipline. Ed. Lee Odell. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1993. 186-212.

Haswell, Richard H. “Dark Shadows: The Fate of Writers at the Bottom.” College Composition and Communication 39 (1988): 303-15.

Henning, Barbara. “The World Was Stone Cold: Basic Writing in an Urban University.” College English 53.6 (October 1991): 674-85.

Holbrook, David. English for the Rejected. London: Cambridge UP, 1964.

Horner, Bruce. “Discoursing Basic Writing.” College Composition and Communication 47.2 (May 1996): 199-222.

Horner, Bruce. “Mapping Errors and Expectations for Basic Writing: From ‘Frontier Field’ to ‘Border Country.’” English Education 26 (1994): 29-51.

Horner, Bruce, and Min-Zhan Lu. Representing the “Other”: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1998.

Horning, Alice S. Teaching Writing as a Second Language. Southern Illinois UP, 1987.

Hull, Glynda. “An Attempt to Categorize Error (Or Can Stray Dogs Be Mermaids?)” Sourcebook for Basic Writing Teachers. Ed. Theresa Enos. New York: Random, 1987. 259-274.

Hull, Glynda, and Mike Rose. “‘This Wooden Shack Place’: The Logic of an Unconventional Reading.” College Composition and Communication 41 (October 1990): 287-98.

Hull, Glynda, and Mike Rose. “Rethinking Remediation: Toward a Social-Cognitive Understanding of Problematic Reading and Writing.” Written Communication 6.2 (1989): 139-54.

Hull, Glynda, et al. “Remediation as Social Construct: Perspectives from an Analysis of Classroom Discourse.” College Composition and Communication 42.3 (October 1991): 299-329.

Hunter, Paul. “‘Waiting for an Aristotle’: A Moment in the History of the Basic Writing Movement.” College English 54.8 (December 1992): 914-27.

Kells, Michelle Hall, and Valerie Balester, eds. Attending to the Margins. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1999.

Lazere, Donald. “Back to Basics: A Force for Oppression or Liberation?” College English 54.1 (January 1992): 7-21.

Lees, Elaine O. “Proofreading as Reading, Errors as Embarrassments.” Sourcebook for Basic Writing Teachers. Ed. Theresa Enos. New York: Random, 1987. 216-230.

Lerner, Neal. “Rejecting the Remedial Brand: The Rise and Fall of the Dartmouth Writing Clinic.” College Composition and Communication 59.1 (Sept. 2007): 13-35.

LoPresti, Gene. “A Case Study of the Reading/Writing Models of a Basic Writing Student.” Journal of Teaching Writing (Special issue, 1989): 205-26.

Lu, Min-Zhan. “Conflict and Struggle: The Enemies or Preconditions of Basic Writing?” College English 54.8 (December 1992): 887-913.

Lu, Min-Zhan. “Redefining the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy: A Critique of the Politics of Linguistic Innocence.” Journal of Basic Writing 10.1 (1991): 26-39. Rpt. The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook. Ed. Gary Tate, Edward P.J. Corbett and Nancy Myers. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1994. 327-37.

Lunsford, AndreaAbernethy.

Manly, John Matthews, and Edith Rickert. The Writing of English. New York: Henry Holt, 1920.

McAlexander, Patricia J. “Developmental Classroom Personality and Response to Peer Review.” Research and Teaching in Developmental Education 17.1 (Fall 2000): 4-12.

McAndrew, Donald, and Michael Williamson. “Research on Writing III: Teaching the Basic Writer.” Research & Teaching in Developmental Education 2 (1985): 48-56.

McCleary, Bill. “‘Action Plan for the Education of Minorities’ Implies Challenges for English Teacher.” Composition Chronicle 3 (February 1990): 1-2.

McNenny, Gerri, ed. Mainstreaming Basic Writers: Politics and Pedagogies of Access. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001.

Montgomery, Michael. “Dialects and Basic Writers.” Research in Basic Writing: A Bibliographic Sourcebook. 1990. 95-116.

Moran, Michael G., and Martin J. Jacobi. Research in Basic Writing: A Bibliographic Sourcebook. NY: Greenwood P, 1990.

Moreno, Renee M. “‘The Politics of Location’: Text as Opposition.” College Composition and Communication 54.2 (December 2002): 222-242.

Murphy, Ann. “Transference and Resistance in the Basic Writing Classroom: Problematics and Praxis.” College Composition and Communication 40 (1989): 175-87.

Mutnick, Deborah. “On the Academic Margins: Basic Writing Pedagogy.” A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. Ed. Gary Tate, Amy Rupiper, and Kurt Schick. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. 183-202.

Mutnick, Deborah. Writing in an Alien World: Basic Writing and the Struggle for Equality in Higher Education. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1995.

Perkins, Priscilla. “Detecting the Camouflaged Conflicts: Blackness, Whiteness, and Language Difference in Basic Writing Courses.” Conflicts and Crises in the Composition ClassroomÑand What Instructors Can Do About Them. Ed. Dawn Skorczewski and Matthew Parfitt. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2003. 51-55.

Perl, Sondra. “The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers.” Research in the Teaching of English 13 (1979): 317-36. Rpt. Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Ed. Victor Villanueva, Jr. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1997. 17-42.

Phelps, Louise Wetherbee. “When ‘Basic Skills’ Are Really Basic and Really Skills.” Constructing Rhetorical Education. Ed. Marie Secor and Davida Charney. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1992. 116-39.

Piche, G.L. “Class and Culture in the Development of the High School English Curriculum, 1880-1900.” Research in the Teaching of English 11 (1977): 17-27.

Render, Sue. “TESL Research and Basic Writing.” Research in Basic Writing: A Bibliographic Sourcebook. Eds. Michael G. Moran and Martin J. Jacobi. Greenwood P, 1990. 117-139.

Rodby, Judith. “What’s It Worth and What’s It For? Revisions to Basic Writing Revisited.” College Composition and Communication 47.1 (February 1996): 107-111.

Rose, Mike. Lives on the Boundary: The Struggles and Achievements of America’s Underprepared. New York: Free Press, 1989.

Rose, Mike. “The Language of Exclusion: Writing Instruction at the University.” College English 47.4 (Apr. 1985): 341-359.

Rose, Mike. “Narrowing the Mind and Page: Remedial Writers and Cognitive Reductionism.” College Composition and Communication 39 (1988): 267-302.

Rose, Mike. “Remedial Writing Courses: A Critique and a Proposal.” College English 45 (1983): 109-28. [file Pedagogy]

Rubin, Lois. “Combining the Personal and Analytical: Assignments for Basic Writing.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College 19.2 (1992): 141-147.

Schwalm, David E. “Teaching Basic Writing: The Community College on the University Campus.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1989): 15-24.

Shaughnessy, Michael F. “Levels of Processing: Implications for Developmental Education.” Research & Teaching in Developmental Education 2 (1985): 12-18.

Shaughnessy, MinaP.

Simm, Rochelle B. “Accommodating the Remedial Student in the Content Class.” Improving College and University Teaching 32.4 (Fall 1984): 195-99.

Soliday, Mary. “From the Margins to the Mainstream: Reconceiving Remediation.” College Composition and Communication 47.1 (February 1996): 85-100.

Soliday, Mary. The Politics of Remediation: Institutional and Student Needs in Higher Education. U Pittsburgh P, 2002.

Spigelman, Candace. “Trying for Democracy: Group Decision Making in the Portfolio Classroom.” Composition Studies 27.2 (Fall 1999): 23-37.

Stevens, Scott. “Nowhere to Go: Remediation and the Scapegoating of Civic Failure.” Modern Language Association, San Francisco CA, 26-30 December 1998.

Stotsky, Sandra. “Teaching the Vocabulary of Academic Discourse.” Journal of Basic Writing 2 (1970: 15-39. Rpt. A Sourcebook for Basic Writing Teachers. Ed. Theresa Enos. NY: Random House, 1987. 328-347.

Stygall, Gail. “Resisting Privilege: Basic Writing and Foucault’s Author Function.” College Composition and Communication 45.3 (October 1994): 320-41.

Tiner, Elza C. “Elements of Classical and Medieval Rhetoric in the Teaching of Basic Composition.” The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook. Ed. Gary Tate, Edward P.J. Corbett, and Nancy Myers. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1994. 371-80.

Varonis, Evangeline Marlos. “U-Shaped Behavior in Basic Writing: The Case for Backsliding.” Constructing Rhetorical Education. Ed. Marie Secor and Davida Charney. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1992. 175-201.

Wall, Susan, and Nicholas Coles. “Reading Basic Writing: Alternatives to a Pedagogy of Accommodation.” The Politics of Writing Instruction: Postsecondary. Ed. Richard Bullock, John Trimbur, and Charles Schuster. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991. 227-246.

Wiener, Harvey S. “Basic Writing: First Days’ Thoughts on Process and Detail.” Eight Approaches to Teaching Composition. Ed. Timothy R. Donovan and Ben W. McClelland. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1980. 87-100.

Weiner, Harvey S. “Evaluating Assessment Programs in Basic Skills.” Journal of Developmental Education 13 (Winter 1989): 24-6.

Zamel, Vivian. “Engaging Students in Writing-to-Learn: Promoting Language and Literacy across the Curriculum.” Journal of Basic Writing 19.2 (2000): 3-21.