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Quackenbos, George Payn. Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric: A Series of Practical Lessons on The Origin, History, and Peculiarities of the English Language, Punctuation, Taste, The Pleasures of the Imagination, Figures, Style and Its Essential Properties, Criticism, and the Various Departments of Prose and Poetical Composition; Illustrated with Copious Exercises . New York: D. Appleton, 1857.
Preface. Part I: History of the English Language. Lesson I–Media of Communication. II–Origin of Spoken Language. II–Written Language. IV–Alphabetic Writing. V–Formation of Language. VI-VIII–Origin of the English Language. IX–Analysis of the English Language. X–Characteristics of the English Language. XI–Parts of Speech. XII–Sentences. XIII–Capital Letters. XIV–Exercise on Capitals. Part II: Punctuation. Lesson XV–Principles of the Art. XVI–The Period. XVII–The Interrogation-point, The Exclamation-point. XVIII–The Colon. XIX–The Semicolon. XX-XXV–The Comma. XXVI–The Dash. XXVII–Parentheses, Brackets. XXVIII–Apostrophe, Hyphen, Quotation-points. XXIX–Exercise on the Apostrophe, the Hyphen, and Quotation-points. XXX–Other Marks used in Writing and Printing. XXXI–Grammatical Inaccuracies. XXXII–Exercise in False Syntax. Part III: Rhetoric. Lesson XXXIII–Province and Objects of Rhetoric. XXXIV–Taste: Its Universality and Cultivation. XXXV–Elements and Characteristics of Taste. XXXVI–Standard of Taste. XXXVII–Pleasures of the Imagination. XXVIII–Sources of the Pleasures of the Imagination, The Novel, The Wonderful, The Picturesque. XXXIX–The Sublime. XL-XLII–The Sublime in Writing. XLIII–The Beautiful. XLIV–Gracefulness, The Beautiful in the Human Countenance, in Sound, and in Writing. XLV–Wit. XLVI–Humor and Ridicule. XLVII–Figures of Orthography, Etymology, and Syntax. XLVIII–Figurative Language. XLIX–Exercises on Figurative Language. L. Figures of Rhetoric. LI. Exercise on Figures. LII–Rules for the Use of Rhetorical Figures. LIII–Exercise on Figures. LIV–Style and its Varieties. LV–Exercise on the Varieties of Style. LVI–Essential Properties of Style, Purity, Propriety. LVII–Exercise on Purity and Propriety. LVIII–Precision. LIX–Clearness, or Perspicuity. LX. Exercise on Clearness. LXI–Strength. LXII–Harmony. LXIII–Exercise on Harmony. LXIV–Unity. LXV–The Forming of Style. LXVI–Criticism. Part IV: Prose Composition. Lesson LXVII–Invention, Analysis of Subjects. LXVIII–Amplification. LXIX–Revision and Correction of Compositions. LXX-LXXI–Exercise in Amplification. LXXII–Exercise on Plain and Figurative Language. LXXIII-LXXIV–Exercise in Extended Simile. LXXV–Exercise in Metaphorical Language. LXXVI–Exercise in Allegory. LXXVII–Exercise in Hyperbole. LXXVIII–Exercises in Vision and Apostrophe. LXXIX–Exercise in Personification. LXXX–Exercises in Climax and Antithesis. LXXXI–Parallels. LXXXII-LXXXIII–Exercise in Parallels. LXXXIV-LXXXV–Exercise in Defining Synonymes [sic]. LXXXVI-LXXXVII–Exercise in Paraphrasing. LXXXVIII-XC–Exercise in Abridging. XCI-XCII–Exercise in Criticism. XCIII–Description of Material Objects. XCIV–Description of Natural Scenery, and Persons. XCV–Narration, Argument, Exposition, Speculation. XCVI-XCVII–Letters. XCVIII–Narratives. XCIX–Exercise in Biography. C. Fiction. CI–Essays. CII–Exercises in Essay-Writing. CIII–Theses, or Argumentative Discourses. CIV–Orations, Sermon-Writing. Part V: Poetical Composition. Lesson CV–Verse, Quantity, Feet, Metres. CVI–Stanzas, Sonnets, Heroic Verse, Blank Verse. CVII–Rhymes, Pauses. CVIII–Varieties of Poetry. Specimen Proof-Sheet. Explanation of Marks used on the Specimen Proof-Sheet. List of Subjects. Table of Abbreviations. Index.
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