a bibliography developed by Duncan Carter (Portland State University), Christie Toth (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), and Hildy Miller (Portland State University)
Bamberg, Betty. “Alternative Models of First-Year Composition: Possibilities and Problems.” Writing Program Administration 21.1 (Fall 1997): 7-18.
Brannon, Lil. “(Dis)Missing Compulsory First-Year Composition.” Reconceiving Writing, Rethinking Writing Instruction. Ed. Joseph Petraglia. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995. 239-48.
Brooks, Kevin. “Composition’s Abolitionist Debate: A Tool for Change.” Composition Studies 30.2 (Fall 2002): 27-41.
Connors, Robert. “The New Abolitionism: Toward a Historical Background.” Reconceiving Writing, Rethinking Writing Instruction. Ed. Joseph Petraglia. Mahwah: Erlbaum, 1995: 3-26.
Crowley, Sharon. “Comments.” The Universal Requirement in First-Year Composition.” Basic Writing e-Journal 1.2 (Winter 1998).
Crowley, Sharon. “A Personal Essay on Freshman English.” Pre/Text 12.3-4 (1991): 156-76.
Crowley, Sharon. “Response to Edward White.” Journal of Basic Writing 15.1 (1996): 88-91.
Goggin, Maureen Daly and Susan Kay Miller. “What Is New about the ‘New Abolitionists’: Continuities and Discontinuities in the Great Debate.” Composition Studies 28.2 (2000): 85-112.
Gradin, Sherrie. “What Happens to the Writing Program Administrator When the Writing Requirements Go Away?” Writing Program Administration 21.1 (Fall/Winter 1997): 55-66.
LaFrance, Michelle. “Re: Choose Your Own Freshman Composition.” WPA-Listserv, 11 Nov. 2009.
Miller, Richard E. “A Writing Program’s Assets Reconsidered: Getting beyond Impassioned Teachers and Enslaved Workers.” Pedagogy 1 (2001): 241-49.
Reid, E. Shelley. “Re: Choose Your Own Freshman Composition.” WPA-Listserv, 11 Nov. 2009.
Robinson, Doug. “Re: Choose Your Own Freshman Composition.” WPA-Listserv, 11 Nov. 2009.
Roemer, Marjorie, Lucille M. Schultz, and Russel K. Durst. “Reframing the Great Debate on First-Year Writing.” College Composition and Communication 50.3 (Feb 1999): 377-92.
Rose, Shirley. “Re: Choose Your Own Freshman Composition.” WPA-Listserv, 11 Nov. 2009.
Schwalm, David. “Re: Choose Your Own Freshman Composition.” WPA-Listserv, 13 Nov. 2009.
White, Edward M. “The Importance of Placement and Basic Studies: Helping Student Succeed Under the New Elitism.” Journal of Basic Writing 14.2 (1995): 75-84.